ZPCS Building New Horizons at Zimbabwe International Trade Fair

ZPCS at Zimbabwe Trade Fair: Skills Development for a Brighter Future

By Tatenda Matambo

May 1, 2024

The grand opening of the 64th edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair saw the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services participating in this event under the theme [From Bars to Business; Building New Horizons].

In stament through their FacebookPage the ZPCS is showcasing its innovative innitiatives that are transforming the lives of offenders and paving way for a brighter future.

''ZPCS invites vistors to explore their pavilion and witness the remarkable solutions being implemented to empower offenders with relavant skills, these innitiatives not only benefit the individuals themselves but also their families and society at large in the perfect harmony with Vision 2030,''said ZPCS.

Vistors will also witness the demonstration of fish farming and how ZPCS has harnessed the potential of agriculture.

''One captivating attraction at the ZPCS palivion is the demonstration of fish farming with a particular focus on Tilapia bream breeding and catfish, Visitors will have the opportunity to witness first hand how ZPCS has harnessed the potential of aquaculture to provide offernders with valuable knowledge and expertise in this lucrative industry,''said ZPCS.

''Step further into the pavilion you will find the [Beauty Haven] where the realms of beauty wellness , salon and barber converge, ZPCS imparts inmates with skills in various beauty techniques ensuring they are equipped with tools to excel in this thriving feild they showcace their expertise in hairdressing ,skincare and other beauty services,''said ZPCS.

However the ZPCS highlights its efforts in crop and animal husbandry demonstrates how offenders are cultivating a sustainable and prosperous future through agricultural practices.

''Discover the innovative techniques employed witness the abundant harvest and appreciate the impact of these initiatives on food sercurity and self-sufficiecny,''said ZPCS.

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